Is Radiation Ever Good For You?


The majority of the time, we view ionizing forms of radiation as dangerous – and that’s a good premise to hold. In high doses, or in low exposure doses over an extended period of time, ionizing radiation damages DNA, which leads to defects, cancer, and other radiation-related illnesses. The flip side of that story is…

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UV Radiation: What You Need to Know

Smile Free and happy woman

There is no way to avoid sources of radiation if you live on planet earth. From the ultra-violet (UV) radiation we’re exposed to from the sun to cosmic, micro- and other forms of radiation – we encounter small and manageable radioactive doses as a part of daily life. Fortunately, a little education and some basic,…

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What You Need to Know About X-Ray Backscatter Scanners and Safety

Denver International Airport

The good news for most Americans is that X-ray backscatter scanners are no longer used in airports, and therefore, they are no longer a source of daily radiation for regular travelers. Whether these devices were a threat – and how much of a risk they posed – has yet to be determined. In the meantime,…

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What Are the Three Principles of Radiation Protection

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Radiation protection is a critical aspect of safety in various industries, especially nuclear energy and healthcare. This article expands upon the three fundamental principles of radiation safety, grounded in the broader paradigm of ALARA (As Low as Reasonably Achievable), a concept widely recognized in radiation safety protocols. The principle of ALARA was established as a…

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Is Microwave Radiation Dangerous?

The electromagnetic spectrum

Microwaves have been around since the 1960s, but they have long-suffered from erroneous suspicions that their radioactive mechanisms are harmful. This is understandable since the word radiation inspires caution and fear for many. However, microwaves operate using non-ionizing radiation. This means it doesn’t harm or scramble cellular DNA, nor does it leave any radioactive residue…

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Potassium Iodide, Your Thyroid & Radiation Protection

x-ray illustration of the male thyroid gland

There are people all over the world who keep non-expired doses of potassium iodide on hand to protect themselves in the case of a nuclear fallout or related radioactive disaster. They do this as a proactive way of protecting themselves in case a nuclear emergency involves the presence of radioactive iodine – frequently released in…

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Types of Radiation Protection via Shielding

Man in protective clothing with respirator. Infection control concept.

The first step in providing radiation protection for the public, employees or those exposed via a specific, radioactive accident is to minimize exposure in terms of quantity of radiation and the length of time victims are exposed. In the case of nuclear fallout, this is easier said than done. However, if you work in a…

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What is a Radiation Safety Officer? Responsibilities, Training, and Salary

Any company or business requiring employees to work with or around radiation and/or radioactive materials should have a clear Radiation Safety Program in place, and that program is traditionally led by a designated (qualified) Radiation Safety Officer. If your company is registered with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), you are required to have a designated…

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The Importance of Radiation Safety Training in the Workplace

Occupational health and safety officer

Radiation Safety Training should be in integral part of any company whose work puts employees, the environment and/or others at risk for radiation contamination or exposure. According to the 2017 Ionizing Regulations Act: Every employer must ensure that those of its employees who are engaged in work with ionizing radiation are given appropriate training in…

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Radiation Containment Types & Styles: Adequate Protection Requires the Right Choice

Several barrels of toxic waste

Your protection from radiation exposure is entirely dependent on the quality of the shielding products you use. Failure to choose the right type or style can lead to unnecessary exposure and long-term consequences.   Radiation Containment 101: Basic Types and Styles If you’re working in a radioactive career or in a job environment, its essential…

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